Tag Archives: feelings

Opening a door


     It’s funny how sometimes the people who don’t know us very well make the best observations because their thoughts are not colored by “how far we have come” or “if it will hurt our feelings.”

I unknowingly had this experience a week or so ago and am now just beginning to get the message. A friend of a friend was traveling with a group of us to an event a few hours away and as long car trips are want to do there was lots of conversation there and back.

At some point he and I started talk, not knowing each other there were the usual, “what do you do for a living?” and “do you like it?” kind of questions. Somewhere in the middle of all the “fluff” conversation two things stuck in my head. One that his sister died a few years ago and that he said he couldn’t stand people who wasted their talent (pointed in my direction). At the time I did think much of it- I personally think that I do waste what ever talent I may have had.

Just look at that last sentence- this is what he was referring too. Lots of people are not “really” good at anything notable (whatever that means) but there are people -like me- who know that they are good at something but don’t necessarily do anything with it. I know this is a little convoluted but stay with me I’m almost there.

This brings me to today, a random Sunday afternoon. Nothing special going on, just finished the chores (sorting paper work and filing it- I really hate that) when I happen to open my closet and see art supplies. I should say that, I have not painted, drawn really taken photos or done anything that used my skill as an artist in almost a year.

As my hand brushed over the bamboo pain set I knew that it was time. My excuses had outlived their reality. I told myself for a long time that I just didn’t want to make art but that was not the truth. At its core I did not want to feel. For me to create something I have to let go of the logical controlling part of my mind and open myself to were the art wants to go.

From the moment the brush or pencil touches the paper it is not about a plan or a destination, it only about how I feel as my hand creates mark on a page. This is why I was not making art, I cannot lie  to myself and create, it is just not possible. So today  I stared down the white paper and though if this friend of a friend who goes to work every day living with the death of his sister. I could tell from the way that he talked about her that he loved her very much and that her loss was still in someways painful to him- if you can ever get over something like that. And it made me think about my own losses.

How long will I choose to use the loss of my old life and an excuse not to live? This man gets up every day and lives, so why can’t I? Why have I let myself fester for so long? I think I was afraid of what would come out of my hands, what I would feel once I opened the door. It was not what I expected.

At first the novelty of it all amused and distracted me. It was pleasant to see that unlike signing, my hand remembered  the shapes and colors.  But as I went on and I could no longer ignore myself.  I could see my lost-ness in the water, confusion in the clouds; a restlessness in the brush strokes…I began to make mistakes.

I could have given up at that point and given myself a great lecture about how “untalented” I really was but I didn’t. Some how I heard a professor telling me that when you get frustrated put your work across the room and look at it, because half of your issues come from being to close to the work.

So I did. It did not make the flaws any less visible but…I saw hope in the dragon fly’s wing and inspiration in the petals of the waterlily and joy in the speckles of the coi fish. I think I have the same problem with my life, I am too close to it. It is easy to stand in the middle of a mess and scream in frustration about how you’re not getting anywhere. It takes more courage to realize that getting past a death or loss of someone or thing in your life is not easy or measured in large steps.

As I look back over the past year I have done a lot of things, most good and all towards finding a life by myself and for myself again. When I stand across the room I can see the progress I have made and I don’t judge the size of the steps against one another, I see how they fit together to make something better than a blank page or scared canvas.

I am not done with the painting, it needs a little more time and attention like my life. But it is beautiful in its own right and so is this new beginning I’m working on. It won’t be done in a day like a painting but it will be just as rewarding when I get there.

So thanks Dave for your insight and willingness to talk to a stranger about your life. I made a difference to me.

Past, Present, Future


On day my heart will stop tearing itself apart,

On day peace and hope will fill it again.

One day I will remember the person I once was

And the person I will be again.

But yesterday my world burnt to a cinder,

Yesterday my best friend broke my heart.

Yesterday everything I though I knew turned to vapor

And a void was left in the place of my dreams.

So today I move on trying to breathe,

Today my heart is carried far from my sleeve.

Today I cry the hot stinging tears of confusion

And regret.

But only for today.

AC 2011

The Veil


If I spoke into the silence all the things thinly veiled behind my smile,

Would you still love me?

I fear the thoughts in my mind and the anger in my heart.

I tremble at the force of their burning.

But to speak…

The coast is so high, the damage so great

That I would rather let you think what you will of me

Than open a door I cannot close.

AC 2011

How it be kind


I don’t know how to be kind to you.

There are so many times that you have missed the mark,

So many times that you have failed to accomplish your goals.

How can you expect me to love someone who doesn’t love themselves?

I will not help you, you have to solve this yourself and you have five minuets to do so.

You know that today will be no different from yesterday, so why are you still trying?

Why bother?


I try, because I know it CAN be different.

That all people make mistakes, fall down and try again.

I choose to believe that I do not have to live this way,

That it is my responsibility to find a way out of the dark even if it takes a long time.

But in the mean time, I need to be kind to myself and remember that everyone struggles.

Everyone doubts and questions themselves.

And I can choose to love me even when it feels like no one else does.